CassandRA Human resources calculator in assisted reproduction

Cassandra - Calculadora de Reproducción Asistida

Human resources in the assisted reproduction laboratory are a key element for the lab’s proper functioning. To date, there is little bibliography that deals with this topic in a comprehensive way, despite its importance.

After a study carried out within the Asebir Quality Interest Group, we have created this calculation tool that will allow us to estimate the appropriate number of personnel for a particular assisted human reproduction laboratory. The human resources calculator, called CASSANDRA, is an online platform which will help laboratories, whatever their volume of work is, to carry out an assessment of the personnel they would need to complete their activity safely. The calculator bases its calculations on the times required to carry out the different procedures of the andrology, embryology, cryobiology laboratory, and the quality controls necessary for their development. In addition, it takes into account the labor agreement, public or private, hours for staff training, and daily vacation or rest periods.

Considering all these variables, Cassandra executes formulas that, after including the number of procedures for each of the different activities, will give a calculation of the recommended personnel to carry them out.

Human resources calculator in assisted reproduction

  • Embryology Techniques


    * In the processes, the time necessary to develop the process itself is considered, as well as the time of the witness in those steps that it is required.

    * For the preparation of semen in the Embryology processes, the time necessary to perform the Swim-up technique has been considered.

    * For the preparation of semen in the Andrology processes, the time necessary to perform the Density Gradients technique has been considered.

    * VITRIFICATION SUPPORT: refers to the time taken to prepare and to vitrify all the vitrifications of a single support.

    * SUPPORT PLUS: sum of each of the extra supports of each patient (˃ 1 support).

    * Ex1: if you have to vitrify embryos/oocytes on 3 supports from a cycle, the "VITRIFICATION SUPPORT" box (1st support) will be filled with a "1" and the box "SUPPORT PLUS" with a "2"

    Number of Cycles


    IVF with time-lapse


    ICSI with time-lapse


    IVF ICSI with time-lapse


    PGT with time-lapse

    Vitrification support

    Vitrification support plus

    Frozen embryos transfer

    Oocytes vitrification

    ICSI with vitrified oocytes

    ICSI with vitrified oocytes with time-lapse

  • Andrology Techniques


    * Quality Control: equipment that requires daily measurements of quality control parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, gases, and pH (incubators, thermostatic surfaces, storage tanks, air conditioning).

    * The days of quality control will be the same as the days of work activity per Embryologist, applying 30 minutes per day.

    * We add 3.9 minutes to the greater number per equipment to be controlled.

    Number of Cycles

    Semen analyses

    Intrauterine inseminations (IUI) with partner’s semen

    Intrauterine inseminations (IUI) with donor semen

    Testicular biopsy and cryopreservation

    Semen cryopreservation

    Number of equipment that require daily quality controls

  • Hours NEEDED to perform all proced


    * Number hours worked per day, per Embryologist: usually 7-8 hours.

    * Holidays: usually an average of 12 per year other than Saturdays and Sundays.

    * In case of not working on weekends, fill in the box "Weekend days off" with the number 96. In case of working on weekends, as many days as those that are worked full working time will be deducted from 96 (7 or 8 hours depending on whether it is a Public Center or a Private Center). If you do not work full time, the calculation of total hours worked on weekends will be calculated, divided by 7 or 8 depending on the type of center, and the result will be discounted from 96.

    * Days off per agreement per year: usually 6 days.

    * Vacation days per year: in Spain it’s 30 days (including Saturdays and Sundays.

    * Days available for courses, conferences, congresses per year: usually 7 days.

    * Daily rest within the working day (minutes): minimum 15 minutes (0.25 hours) by law that can be extended to 30 minutes (0.5 hours) in one or two breaks. You will be entitled to this break provided that the working day exceeds 6 hours a day.

    * Example working Hours / Year / embryologist: 365 days - 96 days (weekends) – 12 days (holidays) – 30 days (vacation) – 6 days (days off per contract) – 7 days (courses, conferences, congresses) – total hours/ year working day rest = (214 days * 8 hours) – 54 (0,25 Hours /day) = 1658 hours / year; in Private center. (214 days * 7 hours) – 54 (0,25 Hours /day) = 1444 hours / year; in Public center


    Hours worked per day



    Days off per agreement per year

    Vacation days per year

    Days available for courses, conferences, congresses per year

    Daily rest within the working day (hours)


Hours AVAILABLE to perform all procedures / year

Days that quality controls are carried out

Weekend days worked that count apart from full-time contracts, and their corresponding hours are not taken into account for the calculation of necessary embryologists as they are overtime worked.

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Asociación para el Estudio de la Biología de la Reproducción

ASEBIR es una asociación que se creó en el año 1993 y que agrupa a la mayoría de los profesionales que desarrollan su actividad en el ámbito de la Biología de la Reproducción ya sea en tareas de aplicación clínica en los laboratorios de Reproducción Humana Asistida como en investigación básica y especialidades afines.

ASEBIR cuenta con cerca de 1.200 asociados de distinta formación en el área de las ciencias biomédicas (biólogos, biotecnólogos, farmacéuticos, químicos, bioquímicos, veterinarios y médicos).

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Autoría de la calculadora

  • Ernesto Veiga Álvarez. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela.
  • Carla Olmedo Illueca. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia.
  • María Fernández Díaz. Clínica Ergo. Gijón.
  • Empar Ferrer Robles. Clínica CREA- Medicina de la Reproducción. Valencia
  • Alba Mauri López. Clínica Procrear. Reus.
  • Lourdes Sánchez Castro. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias.
  • Nereida Ortiz Piñate. Instituto Europeo de Fertilidad. Madrid

Grupo de Interés de Calidad del Laboratorio de Reproducción Asistida

El Grupo de Interés de Calidad se creó en el año 2010, a petición de la Junta Directiva de ASEBIR, con el objeto de optimizar la calidad y seguridad de los laboratorios de Reproducción Humana Asistida (LRHA).

La calidad es una herramienta imprescindible en el LRHA que permite compararnos y también diferenciarnos, y que refleja la capacidad que poseen los procesos o conjunto de actividades que se realizan en cada centro, para satisfacer las demandas de sus usuarios y poderles así garantizar, un servicio de probada seguridad y eficiencia.

Actualmente, están claramente definidas 3 líneas de estudio dentro del Grupo de Interés de Calidad:

  • Indicadores de calidad.
  • Control de Calidad Externo del Laboratorio de Reproducción.
  • UNE 179007: “Sistema de gestión de la calidad para laboratorios de reproducción humana asistida”

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Nuestros patrocinadores

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